Dec 22, 2009

Brooch series

Roses Brooch
A quick fix to spice up my dressings by just a little touch!

Dec 12, 2009

Sewing Marathon

Woohoo, 30 moo moo finally completed within 8 days
(Created my own record, each day start sewing at midnight after back from work!)
My hands and neck are so numb now...
So long moo moo... be good to your new masters :)

Dec 7, 2009

Dec 2, 2009

Santa Clause is Coming To Town

Little Christmas gifts made for my fellow colleagues,
with our company's corporate colors.

Gifts hanging on the Xmas tree as ornaments

Christmas Decoration Tutorial

Last week, I was honour to be invited to share with my church's senior members on 'How to make Christmas Ornaments'. I've prepared a template, they are free to embellish the socks and xmas trees. Creativity is not limited by age, everyone enjoyed the process and created their own unique pieces!

Nov 8, 2009

Aug 10, 2009

Close to my heart...

Multi-purpose Square Piggy
I'm using this as a bag accessory, palm rest or even pin cushion :)

Pan Fried Egg
The egg could be detached from the pan and replaced by other food such as bacon, sausage etc.

Weird Characters
These were made few years back for college fund raising project

In The News

"Klang Creative Festival" Media Coverage

A big gratitude for all the awesome people who supported me during my first try-out at the Klang Creative Bazaar. Next, I’ll be refining my designs, skills and explore on making more creative items such as hp pouches, wallets, accessories... Stay tuned!

People/Character series

Glad to meet lovely personalities and customade their celebrity idols into dolls during the Klang Creative Festival.

Prince (Customize)

Princess (Customize)

Specky boy (Customize)